BHS will be having a 1/2 day Professional Development for students. Infinity students will report to BHS for the 1/2 day presentation. Below is the protocol and schedule. We look forward to seeing you all!
Student Professional Development Schedule
6:30 Visitor Arrival
7:00 Brief
7:15 First Bell
7:20-7:23 1st period (take attendance) We will make an announcement to release students.
7:30 1st Session Starts
- Freshmen:Career Expo in 100-200 Hallway
- Sophomores: Interviews in Freshmen Academy 900 wing
- Juniors: Author Presentation Vanessa Sharp in Auditorium
- Seniors: TED Talk William Mallard in Gymnasium
8:17 First Session Ends
8:21 2nd Session Starts
- Freshmen: Interviews in Freshmen Academy 900 wing
- Sophomores: TED Talk William Mallard in Gymnasium
- Juniors: Career Expo in 100-200 Hallway
- Seniors: Author Presentation Vanessa Sharp in Auditorium
9:08 2nd Session Ends & Nutrition Break Starts
9:23 Nutrition Break Ends
9:27 3rd Session Starts
- Freshmen: TED Talk William Mallard in Gym
- Sophomores: Author Presentation Vanessa Sharp in Auditorium
- Juniors: Interviews in Freshmen Academy 900 wing
- Seniors: Career Expo in 100-200 Hallway
10:14 3rd Session Ends
10:18 4th Station Starts
- Freshmen: Author Presentation Vanessa Sharp in Auditorium
- Sophomores: Career Expo in 100-200 Hallway
- Juniors: Class rings meeting with Herff Jones in Gym
- Seniors: Interviews in Freshmen Academy 900 wing
11:00 Please Complete Participant & Student Surveys
11:07 Lunch
11:40 Dismissal
PLEASE NOTE: Infinity High School students NOT present will be marked ABSENT if they are not in attendance.